| An Australia-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement: Australian Scoping Study a report coordinated by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade February 2005 In July 2004, Australia and Malaysia agreed to conduct parallel scoping studies of a free trade agreement (fta). These studies were to provide a basis for the two Governments to decide whether to proceed to negotiations 1.7 Mb. 15 | read |
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| Canada certain measures affecting the automotive industry Dsu, with regard to certain aspects of the measures at issue in the dispute, in particular, the dsb's recommendations pursuant to Article I: 1 and Article III: 4 of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 ("gatt 1994") 73.4 Kb. 1 | read |
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| 1ac advocacy The United States should legalize all or nearly all online gambling in the United States. 1ac warming Online gambling prohibition violates gats commitments – it’s the acid test of wto legitimacy 160.34 Kb. 26 | read |
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